Kiss Birb [ Megumu x Chimata ]
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Comissões abertas
Chapter 2 key items question (read comment!)
Nyan Neko Yuri Girls
Squishy Fox [Yuuma x Ran]
stupid idea i got while rewatching
What’s your least favourite HH ship and why? I’ll go first.
Feathers [ Reimu x Aya ]
There soo cute
Doomed Yuri
What a shock!
Which Vocaloid song is the most misunderstood/misinterpreted?
Characters who are best known for deaths that flat-out traumatized audiences
What song genuinely made you sad inside?
I do not care for rotten girl
Season of Radiance Give-Away
It's Friday! How are you feeling today?
Can someone explain the dye thing to me?
Kazuha Build Guides + Questions Megathread
treated worse than 2015 ut youtubers killing toriel
Petition to ban X
Give me a number from 1-444 and I’ll give you a song from my Vocaloid playlist!