matched with a cap man
How are y'all coping?
Opinions from Aqua Sun Only pls: Do You Often Feel Cut Off From Friend Groups You Thought Would Last?
Aquarius (Zelenskyy) Wearing a suit, very nice
guilty! thoughts?
yes, you, aquarius, will love this.
fluctuating birthday mood, anyone here feeling this way too?
ITS MY BIRTHDAY look at the cake i made!
that's why we cut em people off smh
I felt sorry with It Ends With Us
How do you guys and girls balance healthy detachment and apathy? [TW self destructive]
Aquarians how do you act around your crush?
Uranians 💚👽
so i'm watching the lion king reboot
aquarians are known as the 'innovators' of the zodiac. have you been able to live up to that connotation?
Getting to know someone
Do many Aquarius’ have ADHD?
Do you have ADHD?
What's your dinosaur name? 🦕🦖
Fellow Aquarius, If you wrote a book about your life, Do you think it would be a good book?
Anybody else obsessed with Want You Back?