S3E6 Spoilers I think _____ killed ____ (And here is why I think that)
UPDATE: AIO by feeling like my gf is throwing a tantrum over me not sexting her back?
This book checked all my boxes
In which ways are you exactly the same as your 13 year old self?
How to buy less ebooks? I'm so addicted to shop on amazon.
Texts from kobo
Why does she poop like a dictator
Is it only me…
My bf's cat sat on the scanner and I scanned her
Does anyone else zone out during battles?
WIBTA for not going to my sister’s wedding because her venue is not wheelchair accessible?
What do you use your Camino for?
Why are your instruments always broken?
Cooper (I’m the dude who’s been asking for advice about excessive meowing)
AITA: Guy I was dating doesn’t want to turn the A/C on in Florida
Why do so many books have such a difficult start?
Sent back my Kindle SE and went Clara BW!
What is a good alternative to Kindle Unlimited?
Aitah if I divorce my husband for not wiping his butt?
The Book of Azrael
Kindle VS Meebook
AITAH: My child’s father didn’t come to the ER.
Sub for Kindle Unlimited
Kindle Readers/Amazon e-book buyers beware