How can I make this pec/shoulder piece design better?
Britt’s Husband
Is this scarring, or just… still healing?
My first tattoo…two years later
Vancouver Car Crisis!
Yeah I don't know how it fits in my pants either...
Only 3 seasons in but if there is an All Stars who do we want to see?
What to fill my chest with
Who do we think the seer was?
(24) M from Vancouver ;)
Any thoughts ?
Penis tattoo
Companies starts to do US-wash their labels
Help me fill the Disney-shaped void in my summer
Brown sub for Asian Dom
Karen Huger asks the judge to go easy on her at her sentencing tomorrow
Prosecution Wants Karen To Serve Time
Is this normal or should I try to habe a touch up?
For those that have got a tattoo on the calf (mine is mainly going to cover the circled area) where would you rate it on the pain scale?
Ideas to fill this gap?
33 [M4M] Need a patient guy to pound me semi-regularly (pls read full post!)
M30 looking to get sucked
literally dying over erika and the hot dog
Two hands and direct eye contact?!? Oh Ms. Jayne…