Petah why are they sad?
Can't move tabs or bookmarks anymore
Compression of Spectral Images using Spectral JPEG XL
Mozilla Firefox is Getting JPEG-XL Image Format Support (works in Nightly)
Guide for av1 for a old computer
World’s Largest Camera is Ready to Take Its First 3,200-Megapixel Photos of the Universe
ELI5: Why "Dark Web" sites can't be reached with regular browsers?
Rust will run in one billion devices
I get lethargy after eating lentils
How does Servo compare to other browsers?
Alex Jones says Infowars reporter Jamie White was fatally shot near Texas home
This month in Servo: new elements, IME support, delegate API, and more! A huge month for both Servo the browser and Servo the engine.
Peter, why is that horrifying?
Dude, Firefox rocks!
A one-year study of Vietnamese youth who built their own Bugatti out of clay mud... and this is the final result.
Ok so it been a month since I got the VIP and hum... I still got it... HOW?!! (I mean... I'm not complaining)
Beckett? What are you doing here?
Stool firming success stories
Remember when Alex was seen with trans porn on his phone and blamed Apple?
France providing intelligence to Ukraine, minister assures after US freeze
Can Peter Help
Magician's trick revealed
Project Arcturus
🔥 One of the most dangerous waves in the ocean, the Square Waves
Juice cleansing (without the fiber) may disrupt gut biome