Not so much anymore 😂
Anybody else just escaping from reality and Ignoring their problems as long as they can?
How accurate is spectrum outrage detector?
Who do you recommend as a primary care physician for my wife and I?
I don’t know what this procedure is called or how effective it is but it is very satisfying
A few recent pictures of the family from social media
What is this, a Liberty Bell for ants?
Prayed hard to God last night about feeling so down with current events, today this appears
New Funny LE theme Idea: "Karen's House"
Is it normal to be this uninformed? If not, any advice for my situation?
Has anyone else decided to “take a break” from the negativity of the news, but then went too far the other way and now feel completely uninformed?
At the appointed time, God will answer your prayer. Not too soon or too late.
The church is not under attack right now rant
Can I Write to God as a form of Prayer?
Oh okay, but we’re supposed to believe Flagstaff was just pulled out of a hat? Where Dayton got accepted in relation to where they’re moving. 🙄
I don't think Mariah is wrong for being angry at Meri/keeping her at a distance, and I don't think it has anything to do with her being pro-Kody
Good Morning Everyone
FWAS Virtual Star Party - Saturday July 11@9:30pm
Looking for interesting Bible Story films
How and where does kody spend his time?
If Meri sees this: I fixed your charcoal clown eyebrows #YoureWelcome
Tony doing with his hair what Kody wishes he could do
Hadn’t seen each other since daycare closed, parents arranged a playdate. When it was time to leave:
Newest 'Home Town Takeover' season!