Hasta la vista, Baby 😎
[COD] Who is this guy, wrong answers only
Got a real Ray Gun😂
My mom painted this for me
Who is this
Digan cosas de adultos 😈 ¿?
We did Citadelle and then instantly won on warzone
How tf did I get so many archies?
Stop playing domination as your personal team death match.
Finally did It
One of my best headshots ever
Hunting around 4 campers
Is skill base matchmaking is getting out of hand?
This map is not bad at all
One of my best granade throws
Carrying my bro in Area 99
Share your best clips
Got my revenge
Exfil is 4 children
Dear BO6, it's not that I don't like bigger maps..I just don't like THESE bigger maps.
Almost got my first nuke until THIS happened...
This is the hardest cod ive ever played..
Your standard game in nuketown be like
This is your standard bo6 nuketown gameplay lol still fun as hell
What’s the darkest thing you’ve seen in a game?