Alexa hub 8
Anybody else blocked by their ex?
(43M) here. My wife destroyed our marriage..
How long has it been since no contact and how is it so far?
Worst thing an ex did
IF you still want them back and have hope… heres how.
Feeling guilty
What is this fuckery. And I know I need to get out of Robinhood. Have shares spread across 3 platforms.
No cucks on AMC/GME
If you held through the $5.26 dip on Feb 9th, you are a fucking legend.
Stupid question where is the other ~3% of my portfolio diversity all I own is amc!
Daily Discussion Thread for January 29, 2021
GME Breakfast Club Megathread
Who held the line even after AMC dipped into the $6-$7 range? I did and whoever else did you’re a BADASS. 🔥🔥🔥🚀🚀🚀