I was too late to my 7mo's well baby visit and I cried about it in the car ☹️
Wish someone warned me about the price of food..I wouldve packed more snacks
Where is this?
Lower priced Food options
Sometimes I wish it was legal to leave your children in the car for 2 minutes
saw this on instagram, what kind of rat or orb is that
What was your #1 best Iceland experience?
Daughter told me something no parent wants to hear
Maturing is realizing that you never needed TikTok in the first place
Does anyone know what these lines are caused and possible ways to treat them?
How to ask people to watch their kids at a party?
traveling through the UK -visa needed?
How to properly photograph Ice lagoon.
Is the Blue Lagoon or Sky Lagoon worth it?
If you have doubts about spending the money for a volcano helicopter tour, don’t.
A lot of ya'll were asking to see what my hair looked like before and after. 1st pics before my haircut, second is after my $90 hair cut.
3 week update! Fat transfer to breasts
This hen who needed some help laying a really large egg
[Image] "A Strong Person."
How do I uninvite a child from my child’s birthday party?
Day 1-13 post op tummy tuck and breast lift. Read captions for more ❤️
It never stops [OC]
Trump cuts ties with Pence and rules him out as 2024 running mate
Which old saying is actually a bullshit?
Need help!! I bleached and dyed but it came out orange… what options so I have for pink or blonde w/o more damage?