Why can I smell my neighbors cooking when we have separate AC units?!?
Feeling extreme guilt for not giving my cats enough attention…
Steroid shot linked to Autism?
Birth story: scheduled c-section at 36w6d (placenta previa)
Anyone else feeling like they can't stand their pets anymore?
Really high HCG at 6 weeks? 167k+
When to be worried about increased fetal movement?
do any of you get so mad with your cat?
Is there any pregnancy safe/clean caffeine drink packets?
so uncomfortable at 20 weeks
When did you start showing?
What are we wearing????
“PENIS Goes HERE”- The edgey friend who couldn’t sign the onesie nicely like everyone else at my baby shower >:|
Yelled at my cats and feel terrible about it 😞
ZzzZzZzzZzzZZzzzZzz 😴
Love Is Blind • S8 Ep2
When did you start buying baby items?
Blacking out/fainting spells in pregnancy?
OB asks me if I feel the baby yet, but I don’t
Soooo bored but also 0 motivation to do anything
What are you entertaining yourself with on mat leave etc before baby arrives?
Mom coming to stay after baby is born, worried about germs and baby getting sick
Second trimester headaches - what gives??
When did you start experiencing “pregnancy brain”?
Why are you putting collars on indoor cats?