QLab, EOS and MTI
What are you looking forward to this week?
What is a song that never fails to at least get you misty-eyed if not outright break down in tears?
Did you ever experience "un appel du vide" or the call of the void? What was it like?
when's the last time you heard an ice cream truck in your neighborhood?
What fucked up situation is currently going on in your family?
I have a simple question, may be not that simple too 😅 When you're on the water, what has it taught you about yourself?
Storing 4x8 platforms
Why is there no qlab equivalent for windows??
Graphtec FC 9000 and reflective ij680 media
Anyone here ever used this board/software?
At my local high school
10' SOT Kayak Recommendations
Body armor compression pants / top?
When did you realize you needed to lose weight?
Overloaded kayak?
Noob still unsure about purchase of Sit-in vs -on.
NRS Ninja question
New paddler looking for boat size advice.
Looking for 3 person plastic kayaks
Manual heatbed calibration problems
Do I need to know how to swim to Kayak?
What was the first music video you watched and never forget?
Best method to tie down Lifetime kayak in pickup?
Need help identifying this font.