what are these spots on the surface of the screen and what is causing them?
Las imágenes hablan por si solas
Just got my x1 delivered.. dead battery out of the box and.. is this normal packaging for a new thinkpad??
I have the 13-inch pro too... but I don't dare get the mini since I also have the iPhone 16 pro Max, has anyone else had the same situation?
Anyone else have shipping issues? Expected delivery of today, but still in “Order Confirmed” status.
pato turned one year old today, say happy birthday pato!
My beautiful cat passed away
Goodbye Niño
Elimina una cosa de Guatemala que creas que la haria mejor.
Found out today that my husband is allergic to cats. We have two. Any advice?
Should I wait for the M4?
The kid is home😊 #ipadmini7 #ipadmini
I asked and you answered
Límite de credito Tarjetas de crédito Guatemala
I guess it won’t arrive for Christmas
Con quién puedo quejarme por música a alto volumen todo el día?
¿Por qué la mara es tan aprovechada?
Real question who would buy this?
Unable to reset Launchpad using Terminal
Darle permiso de disparar a la PNC
defaults write com.apple.dock ResetLaunchPad -bool true; killall Dock - not working any more.
Bearded for Life
¿Debo empezar a valorarme y asimilar que ya valió Vrg?
¿Como "desperdiciaste" tus 20?