[9]What should I evolve my Charcadet the Great?
why is my computer using so much ram for nothing?
why is my laptop using 12gb of ram with only steam and firefox open?
Why won't they have kids?
Belly (of) the Beast (T-tar Diss)😈 Upvote if you like it so we can see T-tar get SCORCHED on TODIAY! Belly WILL have the last laugh!
perkaholic on round 3
[8] home inter-file transfer?
Guys, I think the zombie crisis is over.....I'm infinitely stuck on round 11 with no zombie spawns....
can anyone equip the ranger foregrip on the marine sp?
[Gen5] what's it like losing a coin flip 4 times in a row? Looks like this
Hopping on Siege after a hard day at work
How to win as defender in Doktor's curse
can someone explain why my game ended?
Update on my case of missing obsidian skin…
Home button randomly stopped working on both controllers?
took a pic of hibana with Obsidian equiped , gotta admit it looks way better now under this new lighting than it did when it came out , might equip to all now :P
freaky ring??
chupinazo missing?
Best attachement skin for ryuko on the mp?
Attachment skin?
is it time to give mozzie the super shorty back?
crossfader or leon furioso???
Free battle pass (or 1200 credits if owned)
Bunch of my combos (check comments for names of the cosmetic)