C'mon dewalt....
You’ve heard of a Ford Ranger and a Nissan Rogue
Hey, does this look safe to shoot
You get an unlimited drink cup, but you can only ever drink from that cup.
Ron Paul is right, end the Department of Education
FUCK your $250 packs that will carry everything you own across the country, I need a $700 backpack to bring a laptop from my car to my desk at work
Is Tumi really worth the $$?
Where the back?
Anyone else ever used their watch as a mouse jiggler?
Saw this at an estate sale today, they are asking $4000. Thoughts? It was immaculate condition.
Is this bad I actually don’t know my lead is surveying with the station upside down ?
Cantankerous “boss”
When you hear "Tech", what school comes to mind first?
Black community in Ohio forms armed security patrol after neo-nazis roll in.
What size pack is everyone using?
So is Satan Good or Bad then
MVP Plane
Indie game's 'lesbian toggle'
“Why don’t the Gods just fix it?”
Why do people back into parking spaces?
EV swapped R32 Nissan GTR: The official car of...
Do you piss in the shower?
The Army wants to get the load soldiers carry down to 55 pounds
Prices are not obstacles to getting the things we want
Why do dealers display some cars this way? Its not like there's anything exciting to see in those engine bays.
Are Bushcraft Skills Important*?