Sadness For the Victims and Their Families
sorry in advance, i work way more than i don't- i need caught up.
If you could bring back to life any celebrity who died too young, who would it be?
American Model and Actress Anita Colby posing with look-alike mannequins for a photo shoot, 1954.
What parts of the case are you most curious to know more about?
Marilyn Monroe getting ready for a photoshoot, July, 1958. Photo by Richard Avedon.
Marilyn Monroe photographed by Laszlo Willinger for a pin-up session, 1946.
Beautiful Marilyn Edit on TikTok
Marilyn Monroe Edit on TikTok
Marilyn Monroe filming a scene of “How To Marry a Millionaire” (1953).
Marilyn Monroe getting her hair done by stylist, Gladys Rasmussen, at the Fox Studios salon, Hollywood, 1952. Photo by Andre de Dienes.
Marilyn Monroe in a promotional photo for "How To Marry a Millionaire" (1953). Photo by Nick de Morgoli.
Director Jean Negulesco, Marilyn Monroe, and Betty Grable on the set of How To Marry A Millionaire, 1953.
Snapshot of Lauren Bacall, Nunnally Johnson and Marilyn Monroe at the premiere of ‘How To Marry a Millionaire’ in Los Angeles on November 4, 1953.
Marilyn Monroe and Mitzi Gaynor at a wedding, February 14th, 1953.