What are some series you want/think are deserving of Omnibus treatment?
My brain is fried
My first Omni
Cloak and Dagger sketch
Would it be good or bad if the punisher had superman's powers and power level.
"I've only read TMNT #1 and now I'm an expert"
Comic book shopping. Anyone know any secret spots?
Least racist Absolute Batman “critic” responds to midnight dropping.
Which one is more worth it?
What am I missing?
I feel weird reading through Scott Snyder's N52 Batman omni
I'm a 17 yo aspiring Comic artist, Here are 2 DC ALL-IN Fan-Variant Covers!! I'll post "Joker: The World" next! ALL CRITIQUES AND ADVICES ARE WELCOME!
My Alien movie rankings
Outjerked by r/marvel (Punisher fan discovers other Marvel characters don't like him)
Just started collecting. Any thoughts on what I have so far?
Chuck Dixon and John Romita Jr classic warzone.
What’s your Batman Hot-take?
My favorite hawk 🥰
the BALLS on some shop owners…
Don’t spread your votes
Eight Billion Genies
You guys have any recommendation of what to read?
Why did the Hulk say this? Is he racist?
Diggin' through the dollar bin....
Do you read your comics right away or do you have a Stack of Shame like me?