Looking for system Openings
I recently built 3 decks: Chaos Turbo, Earth Aggro, and Goat Control. Any feedback?
What's an opening similar to caro kann on white
Ideas on how to practice endgames?
Creating a daily Training Routine.
Fred Machi macht Bu endgültig lächerlich
Name of Chessable Course from youtuber who got to FIDE OTB 2000
Wer ist Fred Machi und was hat er mit Fler zu tun?
erstmal Floroskop checken
Chessable Courses for Black
London players: Is this your "dream position"?
King’s Indian Defense in Naroditsky and Bortnyk’s Jobava London PGN
Hochzeitstag feiern
"Your resistances cannot be penetrated"?
White Repertoire Recommendations?
Repertoire Supplement for the Jobava London Course?
Current Date in Hieroglyphics
chessable black friday recommendations
Repertoire Building Techniques
Daniel Narodistky Jobava London Updated Course Announcement
Dresden vom Fernsehturm (Made by me)
Soul Control Monarch Deck
Card Spotlight: Manticore of Darkness
Stein’s Gate Deck?