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Do I have to clean up the broken glass?
Why do loan companies I have a loan with ask me if I want a loan that's larger even if my credit score drops?
How do farmers afford the equipment
How can anyone just disappeare?
Why do people assume that dogs like chocolate?
How do people know how much mileage their vehicle is giving?
Would you put a product like neuralink in your head offered by someone like EL?
Is it weird to have cameras inside your home?
People who are employed or have been employed, how did you get your first job?
With the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer as a feature will we eventually start seeing throuples as more common in the future for the third income?
What will happen if every store, restaurant, and diner permanently closed all around the world?
How much harder is it to go to Mars compared to going to the moon? What's preventing us from sending a rocket to Mars tomorrow (apart from Earth-Mars alignment)?
If I wrote to a shoe company and asked for shoes in a custom size, what would the chances be of the making them for me?
Is the "kiss cam" at sporting events pre-planned to some extent?
What would happen to a container of water sealed at the bottom of the challenger deep?
Hypothetically, if I never smiled, would I have less/no smile lines
What are the advantages and the disadvantages of having a water softener installed in the home?
I've been drinking raw milk every day for the past 16 years. I only just now found out that this is very controversial and that there are serious health risks. I've never gotten sick from it. How?
Is this a banker's lamp? (Sorry if fictional examples aren't allowed)
Are doctors allowed to lie to you to make you feel better/as a placebo?
Do lots of people seem to have diarrhea all the time now?
Can someone explain what is going on in Chinese Mukbangs??
how come rich people go into debt?
"Everyone is Welcome Here" poster/painting — anyone know where to find one?