I do not have chat turned on, so I will not respond to a chat request
Should I demand a refund for leggings that tore during my first workout?
Why aren’t Americans up in arms about credit card transaction fees like they are with tariffs?
Do you think votes matter in terms of value of the comment?
Are personal experiences publically posted online public domain?
What happened to "The Big Apple"?
Is physical appearance deal breaker for you? Or would you date an ‘ugly’ person if they had good social skills?
Is my deck normal?
How can all toothpastes be the number 1 recommended by dentists?
Is the cost for no ads “worth” it?
If there are “seagulls,” does that imply there are non-sea ones? Like Landgulls, or something?
school point question
What are you supposed to do at a job if it seems 100% obvious you do more work than your coworkers?
Roommate is abusing her dog and has threatened to sue if I call animal control
Weirdest scariest job interview of my life? Is this normal?
An irrelevant debate at work, do you say ding me or ping me?
How long do college students sleep?
Why don't we have dials on sinks for precise temp control?
How old were Adam and Eve when they became parents?
how bad was the 2008 recession?
Am I strange for hating the pacing of the show? (No spoilers)
Did you have to pay to get added into phone books back in the day?
Why don’t we burn off hair?
What car is this and selling for how much?
Would it be possible for any "society" larger than a village, for instance, to function without some form of money?