Do I need to restart? ( One dot of oil??)
Relating cards to movie/book/tv characters and plot lines!
Stories of the Court Cards
What are these spots on my cards?
Spreads for people that don’t use spreads?
Moldy Tarot Cards?
Free 2 card readings!
Tarot reviews ✨
Let’s do some Romance readings
Minor Arcana books?
Free tarot readings for practice
Free readings for practice?
I really love the little butterfly on it. It looks even more beautiful in person than in the picture
AI Doesn’t Belong In Tarot!*
Got at thrift store- ID help?
Sleep charm I made for my toddler 🥰
Found at garage sale- not sure what they are
YouTuber master list
Broom Cleset Gift
Any ideas on what she’s saying?
What do you think this means?
I want to start doing spirit animal portraits, who’s up for being a test subject?
Struggling with electrolyte drinks. I need other options.
What are your faveorite websites for more "fancy" altar peices and tools?
Significance of wasp nest?