Wasn’t Saul Jimmy McGill while graduating from university of American Samoa?
Will GTA7 be in thr 4K Universe where you can see the character's nose hairs??
I still don't get it why is this Masterpiece is called flop.... An odd one out from past two I guess
John wick 4, John out of character in subway...
Least intimidating antagonist?
Clicked the eject button and it came out exactly like this
How would you react if you saw this broadcast?
Why does Red Hulk lowkey look bigger than regular Green Hulk, am I the only one who sees this?
Why did Dutch kill the girl in the boat?
Two NPC’s with the same pose in the beach scene. I haven’t noticed this before!
TLOU-like mechanics?
What are the chances of Jason Voorhees appearing in Avengers Doomsday and Secret Wars
What is Arthur looking at? (Wrong answers only)
Two new screenshots of AC Shadow's world
Did Sabertooth get defeated too easily in D&W?
How come no one is talking about this guy? Possible strangers and freaks, Little Jacobs from GTA 4 type of character?
Will GTA 7 be Red Dead 3?
How long will it take to climb the tower via the ladder
Where is your favorite place for a rampage?
What would Hosea think about Onlyfans
Will Dexter’s appartment be in the game? Could be the start of an awesome murder mystery.
Most badass thing this folk did?
GTA 6 faces look really similar to RDR2, but GTA 6 somehow looks better, I am so hyped to see the details of characters in the game
Hey is there a Mod that disables voices in head in Max Payne 3? (Image unrelated i just find it funny)