What’s a fact that sounds completely fake but is actually true?
Space age warcrime?
What if after the American Civil War ended the US put all Confederate traitors to the sword, buried them in unmarked graves, and distributed their land among their former slaves?
Can plants nurture under artificial lights? If not, what’s special abt the sun light?
COVID-19 lockdown was 5 years ago. What do you remember about that day when the world stopped?
Can employers use language to gatekeep people from different racial backgrounds?
Not to be racist, How do you do a Mexican stand-offish in space?
What if the Strait of Gibraltar never opened up?
Benadryl for Home Defense?
Now, I’m asking COLA. What’s your favorite smaller brand or store brand cola?
What do you think of Ashley Johnson as the voice and Ella Freya as the face model for Gwen Stacy?
They really do hate us
Why do guys look up at the ceiling during a blowjob?
I edited nudes sent to me by a friend
Summons for jury duty for US district court (in Philly). The form says “2 days or 1 trial”. Does this mean if I’m not selected the first day, I definitely have to go back on Tuesday?
In Arkham Knight, if you save Catwoman before the Knightfall Protocol... how does she know Batman's secret identity?
Current Lindy property Renters
What game character's death hit you the hardest?
how do you guys name your scifi names?
Feasibility of a switch that turns on a GPS transponder and automatically dials a phone number?
Why is my husband tired all the time?
People in your thirties, what substantially changed from your teen years?
Worst Principal Story?
Using my drone (Autel Evo Nano+) to check my roof after half storm.