The ShamWow commercial was… 18 years ago!?!
+12 hrs of wet sanding really pays off.
Is this the kind of intel Russia really have on Trump?
Are these bills worth anything?
Is it safe to leave my car at YUL airport for a week?
The RED States, now explained
Why is the Dow Jones dropping significant this time?
The PTL Club
TheFarrah Fawcett red swimsuit poster
What Ever Happened To These Two Guys?
New coke, launched in 1985, discontinued in 2002
Made my first trip ever to Montreal using Reddit as my guide.
Walter Cronkite
When the clown moves into the palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace instead becomes a circus.
What's one piece of financial advice that you wish you could have given yourself 10 years ago?
A long time ago.... well nearly 45 years! Where has is all gone?
Will this Chemical guys kit do the trick?
Xpost from r/adporn
Team USA, one more day, one more example
M*A*S*H ending its run in 1983
Joan Collin’s is now 91
Trump and Dump
Stevie Nicks once turned down a marriage proposal from William Shatner.
30k maintenance question
What's something slowly killing us that society just pretends isn't a problem?