What Do You Think These Drones From the Show's Hair and Eye Colors Are or Should Be?
Everyone, what buffs should heavy get to become more relevant in 6v6? (Image somewhat related)
if you could make a crossover with Ultraman, which anime or animated series or film would you do?
if you could make a crossover with any anime, which anime would you do?
Scout throwable secondary idea. The weapon is compared with Demo's grenades and it recharges every 30 seconds
Why did King Alteon let Princess Brittany marry that pampered yokel from the Neverglades instead of marrying her himself to preserve the purity of the royal bloodline? Is he stupid?
Punching mod
Ok, how do ultras eat and drink?
To those that want an alternative to PolyamorySweet for multiple spouse rooms...
No hate on Redking but why does he (or she) sound like a donkey?
What’s an Ultraman Design you’ve always liked, but is hated/disliked by the rest of the fanbase?
What if the New Gen Heroes (Ginga - Gruebe) were the ones who fought Mold & Juda Spectre in Absolute Conspiracy?
Madness Retaliation (2010) aka Turn-based Madness, love the gameplay tho
Ultrawoman Grigio Proposed Design is shown in the design art book by Goto
Did you know that in trailer 2 soldier had his early shovel walk animation?
What is Your Idea for Incredible Murder Drones Crossover Fanfiction?
Who was your childhood crush in AQW? I'll go first
My V Rex came in and it looks cool
I watched the Arc movie, ask me anything. (Spoilers ahead)
Remember when stuff like this once existed?
Few attempts to fix the same face syndrome my previous art had (Including the basic eyes and mouth)
Ultraman: Super Fighter Legend
What's your favourite botched/rough suits?
SDK Update and weapons
New Update