Website? Input optimal temperatures in both winter and summer, humidity and other factors such as COL, etc
Hospital Overcharged Me, Insurance Claim Stuck in Limbo
When to watch paragliders?
Starship Flight 3 4K slow mo / clean audio supercut [Everyday Astronaut / Cosmic Perspective]
Ship in space
[OC] More Than Six Years of Alcoholism in One Image
That is unacceptable. It is absurd that SpaceX can build a giant rocket faster than they can shuffle paperwork! - Elon Musk
you shall not be permitted
The Next Generation
Business Park on a Saturday
What will you do with savings when HYSA rates start falling?
AMC Properties
Surveying the damage
Starship Created Weather! Port Isabel Got Muddy Rain
Behold....the ultimate car-brain! Doug Demuro! (I actually a "car guy" and like Doug Demuro's car reviews, but I hate his takes on why Philadelphia's pedestrian friendliness is anti-car; like buddy, that's the whole point of good urbanism)
@NJB: have you ‘taken a step back’ from video creation in order to let other creators have the spotlight?
Do you like insanely engineered hobbies?
Deepstaria jelly
Critical Program Reading (1975) - 16mm Film
TUTORIAL: How to build a free speech echo chamber
This scene makes me cringe so hard for some reason. It’s one of the few times I relate with Angela’s mood.
The solar-powered Aptera's unique design addresses common EV barriers
Why is BO performing so poorly?
Found Outside a Fraternity House
A morphine bottle from about 1880