Do Americans still consider Russia an adversary in terms of international relations?
The laptop my college is advertising students to buy…
Any advice for a new shooter?
I took a year off of work AMA
My girlfriend has rotten teeth
Facebook Fools
What is Scrim’s best verse?
UPDATE TO: Got these seeds from some homegrown that was given to me, is it possible to plant and harvest these seeds??
Please help me wrap my head around this
What’s a good price to pay in Texas? 1979 Chevy Rv
Which would you take
Best entry level knives for an amateur?
I have a theory
Real talk if I'm getting denied for loans, who's getting approved?
How do you feel about caffeine and weed?
DNC Chair Candidates Agree: Kamala Harris Lost Because of ‘Racism and Misogyny’
"Google is libt*rd payed"
Bands with multiple singers/screamers at once
Kinda off topic, but what is this cast iron pan good for?
So I just got this Rock 5.7 lower a couple days ago and I just noticed the frame has some damage. Do yall think i should contact psa about it?
Any idea why this happens?
Not sure about the rules but… yall can’t think this shit is normal?
Mom worried about me not having two jobs...I don't get it
MI open carry