Slovenian ski jumper Nika Prevc broke the women's world record with a 236-metre jump
I have been making Seinfeld graphics for T-shirts and I really want to make one for this episode but cannot find a clear picture of this scene. Can anyone help me out?
What happened to Elaine
My grandpa in the '60s
How does Kramer afford expensive luxuries?
Best happy hour?
Shark Teeth/Jewelry
When you want to escape from everyone, where do you go?
Weather in Feb/Mar
His name's Jerry...
Lego Elaine
Who's an actor who nailed a role so hard that nobody else will ever be able to live up to it?
I get that taste is subjective but what is with Howard and his worship of Black fuckin Crowes. They’re pretty mid.
George gives his opinion on all Abbey Road songs
Glad I held off for a few months
Please is there a cracker that tastes like the triangles in Chex mix
businesses refund the $9 entrance fee to Sea Pines? Is this still happening?
Good Place to Get NH Centric Bumper Stickers?
I never realized Morty (Barney Martin) was in an episode of Full House.
to be untouchable
My daily - still lasts me 1 1/5 days.
If the world was ending in the next few minutes, what would be the last song you'd sing or listen to?
She's on her couch crying holding a pillow every night. "Why? What did I do wrong?" Never Forget!
Best way from CUN airport to Valladolid?
Fog Rainbow in the Notch