For fun: Who is on your list of “must see” this year?
Gesaffelstein live performance opinions
I’m missing a few things.
MAYHEM is out. Thoughts?
Gaga talking about Gesa in the Spotify Press Conference
Confirmed closing Saturday of Live Stage
Rare find: I Am The Cosmos - So Glad (Gesaffelstein Remix Unreleased Version)
2025 first run
Dark Machine (video edit)
My own take on the Novo Sonic System cover
EDC Las Vegas
The Man behind the mask
Gesaffelstein interview compilation
This song needs more appreciation
Lady Gaga teases a Gesaffelstein feature on her new album Mayhem, coming out in March.
gesaffelstein pin i made
Enter the Gamma plate i made
any news from Gesa?
Need help for fan song ID
2014 vs 2024
Community Call to Stop Supporting the Ed Rec Discord
my cousin got me a GAMMA vinyl for Xmas but it hasn’t arrived yet. so he made a placeholder
european tour soon :)
Does anyone have a higher listening time than me?