nordic curls. great exercise for the hamstrings
Front squat update form check
What is this?
Got some custom made 40mm Swiss points on my Luke Litter Gen 1. All credit to @arrowmaker180 on twitter
Still the MUP technique drilling train 🚂 ….
Front squat advice please
190 kg top single/RPE 7.5-8/ 23~ weeks out
Follow my jump rope and acl rehab journey @sagiaviv_
Calistenichs in th gym
90kg SSB, 5x5
OHP form check
I love this game
Deadlift form check
Squat newbie
A squeeky bench PB
It can be humbling to post failures. Here's my first attempt at 3 plates. Only 4/5
The peak of my entire calisthenics journey, so far
185 kg rpe 6-6.5
Getting back into squats, would appreciate any advice or critique
Rep 2 struggles hitting hard.
Getting back into squats, critique very welcome
First deadlifts in a few years, would appreciate some critique
207/455 x 8 PR
what exercise is this