I just got my first loom and set of beads about 2 weeks ago. Baby's first bracelets
Somehow, my family ended up with 3 orange cats!
Least comprehensible interaction(s) you’ve had while out in EGL?
My dad is one of the most incredibly difficult people I know. This is me attempting to borrow a portable sander.
First time gluing down a synthetic lacefront to wear out, need advice
[self] Love handle progression
[Self] Do you like my shirt?
[self] Rate My Back
[Self] Are you showering with me?
The last thing you see before you die
Using oxygen based stain removers on printed dresses
any disturbing movie suggestions that isn't straight up gore?
I'm afraid to ask, but is your newborn crying triggering rage a natural reaction and can one learn to cope or mitigate it?
He will be heated
He will be packed
What is your biggest pet peeve when shopping for EGL fashion secondhand?
This year's winter version, Pear Cinnamon, is my new top fave. How do you guys go about buying your redbull?
What wedding tradition is happening here?
Keith Thompson's concept designs for Hellraiser 2022. Beautiful! ❤️
What's the deal with Fruitjelly??
When you enter a store you should never be immediately greeted and asked if you need help
I usually keep my hair fairly short but am considering a super short crop a la Mia Farrow. Would it suit me or would it age me? I'm 27
What is the right temperature to drink Redbull at?
Update: I tried to pay my online friend back and all of a sudden it "wasn't about the money"
Still dumbfounded by this entire interaction (tw: pet death)