Republicans are the feminist party, the sun is rising in the west and George has released The Winds of Winter
What's going on here?
Only 3 more left
Libleft at Sather Gate: Then vs Now
insane schizo agenda post part 5: Anti-libleft (Libleft be like)
Tin-foil hat back in style
New fighter just dropped
Casual Questions Thread
"sorting by total compensation" TheY makE MoRe tHaN DoctOrs
Actual conversation I had
PCM Learning about the new Boeing F-47!
I wan't a new Afro samurai game, first one was peak
Based sources for PCM retards to learn knowledge
PCM reacting to the US joining the Commonwealth
it's true and you know it
An advice from the left that I agree for once. I hope they follow their word to the exact letter!
Why does a Bishop have this opening?
Found this move under ~20 sec pressure
Least biased poll in the history of polls, maybe ever
Who's to blame for "American reading and math scores are near historical lows"?
What happens to MAGA after 2028?
Columbia WBB Beats Washington to make top 64
Martyrs for different Quadrants:
Nothing happened again
Is it Constitutionally feasible for Trump to run in 2028?