How do you cope with running bad?
Left in the check presenter
What’s it like getting it in deep stack vs deep stack?
Has anyone played poker at the hard rock in Tampa FL?
Who is your favourite standup comedian?
Customer returned a burger for their dog…
What do people who live in high rises do when their pet needs to urgently use the bathroom?
What do people who live in high rises do when their dog has to go to the bathroom?
Announced a losing hand but had the winner.
I usually play bigger
Huge raises.
To the guy in live poker at every table who always feels the need to tell you "You know if you had gone all-in, he would have folded" after you lose at showdown with air.
Throwback to when I had the best regular ever.
Really jumped ranks since they fixed the game on Xbox 😅
The Best Way to Rank Up: Be a Zookeeper
Buying House
Best real Italian restaurant in Naples, FL? No Americanized stuff, please!
no way it took them that long to even notice
I'm an Xbox player. Can we please auto-ban complaints about the Xbox?
1/3 NLHE - Chopping Blinds
1/3 NL at the Hollywood Hardrock.
My fellow Americans, how rough was your shift last night?
Help me understand your support of Trump
First solo shift
This is to all rocket league players