finally beat the game
Places/Universes that make you go "Wow, I am so glad I'm not living there"
Name a fictional character that it's hate is forced?
Send me your original character and I'll tell you where they rank on the Gay Tier List
Favorite Charact Whose Death Absolutely Destroyed You
Dies. Dies a lot. Like a lot a lot.
Do you think they dumbed down/kinda sorta ruined Spinel in Steven Universe: Future?
What kind of main or secondary antagonists do you want or expect in the game
Was there ever any explanation on how he was able to resist her rope here?
Got any examples of high-functioning evil couples? (Third attempt because mods are insufferable)
pregnant women in cartoons are overpowered af
which one
Best undertale AND Deltarune shopkeeper (based on wares, dialogue, lore, or just general likability)?
Post your OC and see how they will fare in my universe
What would you do if you were turned into a ordinary monster during the genocide route?
Have your OC give an intro dialogue like Mortal Kombat and I'll respond as Bobby. Other people can join too.
Show me your OC and Neoklís says what crime(s) he thinks they have committed
Let my OC Daphne rate ur OC’s looks 1-10 but in the most stereotypical way possible
Let Zumul Judge Your OC!
I have a forcefield, I swear
I can't even.
The evil CEO in fiction
Are most 'people' to becoming too "edgy" now 🤔
What's harder? Sans Or Photoshop Flowey?