Has there ever been a time where a field judge got in the way of a performance?
Hiring for the new spot. Do I bring him in for an interview?
Adagio for Strings
[Other] Your Favorite, and Least-Favorite, Coaster Name Changes?
What are the “best” starter words that haven’t yet been the solution?
Most Underrated Shows
Unc Dance Line - Old School Cool
Best Flugelhorn Solos.
What are colleges with good music/marching band programs
I need your smart wordle minds!!!
What's the worst designed show you've ever seen?
are pedal tones commonly played by the low brass in shows?
Staff phrases
Hardest book for each caption
[Other] What would you say is the most divisive roller coaster in the world?
Game Thread: 9/20 Braves (83-70) @ Marlins (56-97) 7:10 PM
How do I clean this up or refinish it? It plays well, but doesn’t look so great. What can I do to make it shine again?
Cadets 2011
Worst Mistakes You’ve Seen
Notable people who marched dci/drum corps?
Vets getting cut
Phantom Regiment Alumni Corps 2026
Map Making in Disney World - Rise of the Resistance (Galaxys Edge in Hollywood Studios)[54x60]