What champs winrate do you think would skyrocket the most if everyone built them correctly?
Anyone wanna reminisce about any old ARAM metas?
This video accurately depicts the average solo ARAM experience
Am I the only one that takes exhaust 99% of the time?
What's something that players do that signal to you that they're really good?
Who are some D tier champs (or low WR/less popular champs) that you can make look S tier?
Biggest Pet Peeve
We lost more than we gained by going back to Howling Abyss
How does 14.19 feel so far?
Best WR?
What are your tank builds?
Is there a game overlay for champion tiers?
What is a champ that if you see on your team, it's a good chance you'll lose?
My take on ARAM meta currently (14.5)
Are the stats and builds on Aram Academy up-to-date?
Ranking Each Champion Type
How do you build your most played/highest WR champ?
Tank Players, Please Rush Warmog's
All AP or AD doesn't seem to matter as much anymore
What's up with Yorick this patch?
ARAM meta is in a shit place right now
Soraka S Tier?
Seraphine Dream