What's everyone's favorite Intro to play?
Do straight people even exist here
I can’t stand when people say game collecting is a “good investment”
Consensus on linear algebra difficulty
How hard is multivariable calculus (Calc 3)?
Is calc 3 easier than calc 2?
If you could forget everything about a game and play it again which one?
What game character's death hit you the hardest?
[Other]What are your Roller Coaster Guilty Pleasures?
Questions about Opening Day-Weekend and Flights
What’s a video game song that immediately makes you emotional when you hear it?
Who was your favorite singer of all time?
What is the meaning of the movie “Flow”?
Found at Walmart the other day
Game lines that are so iconic that can be easily recognized by gamers?
What's the saddest game you've ever played? (No Spoilers please)
Describe your favorite bands as per a DT album
The best and worst lyrics in your opinion...
Is there a game that you expected to become a cult classic — but it has never happened?
New listener, still exploring the discography. How can it get better than Still Life?
What’s the one song that changed your perspective on music?
What was the 1st game you remember playing on a desktop computer?
Why does Awake sound so freaking good!?
[no spoilers] What is your favorite song from any of the games?