Does anyone else have a “star sim”? I’ve been working on her for eons.
By request I’ve uploaded my version of Jynx Valentine to the gallery.
Transferring to new switch?
the lovestruck eyeliner is so perfect for funerals. 😩
Happy relationship plummeted?
omg love that for her
Even in death they’re still together. 💕
Won the lottery!!??
Moving your sims out of their childhood home is so bittersweet
AITA for warning my sibling not to visit while we have bed bugs?
She sticks out like a sore thumb in that…. Dress? Second slide is a great candid of the pink panther.
So now she has a fucking sculpted stomach? This is not okay... Last Pic is jumpscare....
How do I increase my rent per day on Xbox?
Diet? We don’t need no diet!
I started doing beach photos with the sims & their moms when they’re kids and then adults.
Lots to unpack here. 2/8
Who are all these people?
Who thinks its still a temper tantrum?
AITAH for telling my infertile sister (23f) she’s not allowed to adopt my (26f)daughter (2f)
Wet food
Taking care of two adult sims, two horses, and two twin infants while also being a landlord.
Curious. How many of us here are dealing/have dealt with an ED?
WIBTA if I told my parents that I want to take my Christmas present back and get something I actually need?
Who else saw this coming
What careers do you guys, for whatever reason, never use?