help me decide!
Should I quit?
Songs that are encouraging
Help me forget that I have Invisalign in
Conflicted on two programs
One month left guys…
Sankey - High GPA, Avg-ish PCE
Day one….. having major regret
Adult life was so difficult with Invisalign
Jaw issues during treatment
Losing motivation
Rejected ://
should I use cicaplast balm b5 for this?
i had to withdraw my acceptance from my top choice program.
Do yall ever just think about all the ways you could’ve answered a question after an interview 🥲
Is this price normal?
Just redecorated 🎂
Help me pick between two schools
How do you feel your interviews went?
Halloween decor
Which one?
all of my wall posts & news feed is gone?
How many schools have you all applied to as of now?
Rejecting Dream School For Cheaper School