Do you think the Serious Punch² is actually squared or no?
It seems the opm Twitter account posted something and deleted it
Saitama vs Toriko
This is a wild one…
Volume 4 cover
What's your favorite semi unfair fight in fiction
How much radiation was garou emitting?
Who wins this matchup?
Who wins this fight? (Saitama vs Ling wang from Daily Life of the Immortal King)
Who is the strongest One Punch Man character Kaido can defeat?
Most UPVOTED comment determines the strongest character for each slot (DAY 17: GALAXY LEVEL)
Saitama vs 10 humans (equal stays), can he outgrow them?
Most UPVOTED comment determines the strongest character for each slot (DAY 16: MULTI-SOLAR SYSTEM LEVEL)
Goku and Blast vs Garou and Vegeta
Downplay you're favorite verse as much as possible
Which team wins?
How strong would boro's 4th form have been if ONE and Murata decided to keep it in
What do you think it would take for Garou to break his no killing rule?
Where do you scale Mob?
Who is winning?
Strongest characters that fit this describtion
Defend Saitama
Saitama in his dream vs Freddy Kruger