Five years ago today, Aaron Rodgers won on Celebrity Jeopardy
The federal election campaign is expected to kick off today. Here's what you need to know
Brookfield linked to deforestation
My custom sister and her brothers
I experienced racism for the first time at the Bruins vs Sharks game
Unusual dog leg right par 3s?
Par 4 HIO
wtf is up with r/fuckgolf?
Where is Petey's chip?
My fiancée made this monkey
My biggest question / issue with finale: ___ ____ was kind of a letdown? Or is more info coming?
Some things that bugged me with the finale...
I think the end of S2 was out of character for Helly
Unironically calling Carney a chad must be a part of some kind of psy-op
Over $100 for a f*ckin’ hat?
Favourite obstacle or hazard in golf?
Why don’t more courses offer a push cart
10,000 hours to become pro? Yeah right
PGA tour hot take: Par 3's are too long and par 5's are too short.
This is why your rounds are 6 hours long
Comment that got me perma-banned from a Canadian sub
How do people with kids vote Liberal knowing your dooming your children to a 3rd world living standard
How do people with kids vote Conservative knowing you're dooming your children?
Quebec to expand religious symbol ban, force students to uncover faces
How can the Masters allow Angel Cabrera back?