Does a misdemeanor class B DUI disqualify you for a position at the bank?
Officially starting training as a relationship banker for BofA next Monday. Any tips/Insight on what to expect? Also for men what attire do we need to wear on a daily basis?
Pregnant again, 4 mons PP C-section. Anyone else survive this?
Pregnancy after C-section
Need help with my second interview at Bank Of America
4 round interview relationship banker at BofA
Fertile or not fertile ?
Having the worst flare
I saw the girls post and then I see this 🥸☝🏾
Canceling my process and replying ?
Can I renew my Texas DRIVERS LICENSE with my work permit extension ?
"Are you Owen's momma?"
Is something wrong with my chart?
We were blindsided
3 years since we applied
Looking for similar stories. PPROM/Abruption?
Losing our twins
Has anyone experienced placental abruption more than once?
2 placental abruption
Rainbow pregnancy after emergency c section
2 losses
How do I live with 2 loss ?
I can’t process it
Two lost babies in a row.