Waarom is de dierenarts zo duur?
Getting the job done.
Valid reason.
Simple and complex relativity in one sentence.
We usually get to see only the top image.
For some people the mirror at the funhouse has the opposite effect.
They don't always match up
At least it's a lesson in honesty.
Nonsense, ... or well, at least it does not work for me.
The effects of money.
De ultieme filmlijst: welke film moet iedereen zien?
No offense, just some irony.
This is a paradox in a way.
The next step
Never accept guests that try to haggle. [Mexico]
Evolution of music
Goed nieuws vanuit de woningmarkt!
De dupe worden van innovatie.
oorlog en huizenprijzen?
In antwoord op de ouderen zeggen dat je harder moet werken post:
I know, these graphics are not the prettiest view either.
It depends on who you are asking
I tried
Quickly, before some of these altruistic sentiments begin to stick.