How Student Loans Will Be Impacted if Department of Education Closes Down
Does this count as street photography?
65 degree winter evening in the Adirondacks.
Lake George
Father Jogues, Lake George
Neighbors built new fence two feet into their own property line. What should I do with this drop down?
Everyone send George good luck! 🦷
Ambrizzola (Dolomites)
Eastern Hognose - upstate NY
Is this a good time to buy?
Update on person who crashed under Jet Triple at Jay this afternoon?
White Breasted Nuthatch
Springtime in the Adirondacks.
Alice Cooper enjoying the sun.
Staingate prevention on a new screen
Spring in the Adirondacks
Forest photos with the OM1mk2.
It's 'Post your M43 photo' Thursday! Come share your best work with the community!
Organs, Saint Joseph's Oratory, Montreal. 6000x4000
Spring evening in the Adirondacks with the OM1 and 12-100f4.
Saint Joseph's Oratory, Montreal.
Please confirm he’s a nebelung!
Montreal High Life
Spring evening walkabout with the OM1 and 12-100f4.