Dads, I need to vent I'm so confused
Fender x Hello Kitty Fuzz
What’s everyone’s “big” present for Christmas this year?
Pilots - this isn’t realistic right? I’m losing it?
What constitutes a “college town?”
The guy at the spray-on hair store said I’m the only guy he’s ever seen pull it off.
Do scrum masters get paid more than the rest of the team?
Democrats after losing the popular vote for the first time in 20 years
Day 1 of 1: Requesting Turnstile to release a full version of “Listening” so my other Shirt Brothers and I can just fucking go nuts in here
Tech Job Layoffs
Putting baby in the crib:kid 1 vs kid 2
All the MAGA people reading the memes in here
How many kids do you have?
[Game Thread] Florida @ Texas (12:00 PM ET)
Band name origins
Anyone else ever have "Ben Affleck nights" where you finally get the kids to bed, then just feel like this with every fiber of your being?
Raising our boys to become men
Is knowing Microsoft Office a valuable skill for my professional life?
My main goal in life is to own a house, what kind of degree will ensure I can achieve that goal?
Go hug your child.
How did you manage to survive the corporate ladder for so many years, enduring the same monotonous routine?
Anyone else going to work today?
Dads, What gift did you get, that you would've never bought yourself, that has become an integral part of your life now?
Where do you sleep as first time parents?
I got a girl onion today