Nofap day 2
Nofap day 1
Finally i sought medical help
I lost my musculine behaviour
Does running affect gym gains
28 days of nofap ended
14 days clean without pmo
Is there a dua that can heal me from porn addiction and its effects on my body and mind?
Emotional numbness
I lost my king energy
I Lost my king energy
Help me guys.... Motivate me
Day 43 still fears public speaking
Reached 35th day
Ending 2023 with 32 days of nofap
Guys please help me!!!!!
Broke my longest streak yet
Last try to become a man i admire.....
Somebody motivate me
Day 2 of setting strong belief about porn
Day 1 of setting strong belief in subconscious mind.
Meditation and prayer is the solution
Feeling clean... Reached 20 days without pmo.
Is there any problem to use ice cubes for taking cold shower!!!!!!!!!
Reached day 15!!!!!!!!!