Playing FF16 for first time.. any tips?
"Tidus is an annoying brat"
Bro needs to chill lol
I did as much as I could till everything turned pink. Said I'll do the rest once post game happens
Help im stuck in this bit!
Rude introduction
What did you play after Metaphor?
best fatal fame youtuber
Final Fantasy and Pets
What nicknames do you have for your cat ?
When an Arab Jew cosplays as Arab for Purim
What kind of Al-Sharaaist are you?
The Game feels like a Early Access
How do you pronounce Ellone?
Tifa is disappointed at her search suggestions. Meme and screenshot by me.
Finally! 😊
How would you react if turkey suddenly moved in here
how would u react if turkiye moves here?
Tell me why
Douglas need to change his weed dealer.
What an odd name for a quest
Jill Warrick ❄️
Me watching Clive prepare to fight Garuda head on before he even knows what Ifrit is (She’s 10 times his size)