I’m never getting over how much this dude looks like him and acacia could be siblings
saw this interaction on x and im dying cuz omg not even strangers believe she's the same person with all the photoshopping she does 💀💀
I actually called out acacia on her price to her “presets”
Imagine if roomie…
As a fan of Star Wars myself, how many copies does she need??
so it begins
Yes, that’s exactly what you’re trying to show here, the chapter you just “read”
She wishes it was a Mandela effect my friend
the kids singing happy birthday and talking in the background of her new vlog 😟
Acacia be posting something like this and being like “I only edited a few pimples out 🤗”
Update on J
Ok girl
Opinions on J liking this video?
“Filming in public makes me want to throw up” Good news, you don’t have to! I think the internet has seen enough of your selfies to know what you look like.
Ok Pinocchio 🤥
My own collection of garbage
She has waaaaay too much time on her hands
acacia in 3 years fr
How many bedroom doors does this b**** have
Congrats to David for his newborn baby! Even if you don't like him as a person, I think the birth of a child is a wonderful thing and something we can all celebrate about!
What’s the most UNREALISTIC thing Gossip Girl made you believe was normal?
Is this bad or am I being a hater?
roommate girl has WEIRD vibes . sos
Guys we’re famous
Not snarking but…