Be honest do YOU date for personality?
Default-Chan Wants to be an OWC Champion
How to have a first kiss?
I hate these random erections
BTMC uses hair sacrifices to get top plays.
Question for the guys
Osu is harder to romanticize
2024 will be the actual start of the new era- God
FlyingTuna | Mami Kawada - Contrail ~Kiseki~ (Epsilon Remix) [Taeyang's Miracle] (Charlotte, 8.37*) +NFV2DT 98.41% FC | 806.44pp if ranked | Done in Match!
UrQty2 | -45 - Crimsonic dimension [Phantasm] (Sanch-KK, 8.33*) + HDHRFL 99.43% #1 | 821pp | 75.34 UR | HIS FIRST 800PP + HEW HDHRFL PP RECORD!
criller | Diao Ye Zong feat. Meramipop - A transient faith [Happiness Faith] (Hey lululu, 6.62*) 99.37% FC #1 | 407pp | New oldest badeu #1 snipe! 29 remaining
how tf do you make online friends
If you could see a score from 20 years in the future, what would you want it to be?
Kylecito came back to osu! (unnoticed for 2 months)
What are yall's standards for dating?
If you play different maps on the same account at the same time will you get banned?
What is the best way to become an osu completionist?
Do y’all think they will be new top players that will make a massive impact in the game
Why do we still have leaderboards based on score instead of pp?
my 1st try on the difficulty 450bpm, do you think if i try enough i will FC?
akolibed will take an indefinite break from the game
Will Combo Scaling Removal make soccer v1-ing easier
Useless osu! fact of the day: Doomsday has never eaten spam
Are Ghanaian men touchy with their male friends?
im 4 is it too late to start osu?