Liberals are so fucking stupid.
📈 Corruption Control in the Worldwide Governance
Day 9 of Getting every single country flag get a redesign
Map came to me in a dream
World map but the top comment gets that country turned into an ocean
Struggling to Balance My Gender Identity & Islam – Need Advice from Other LGBTQ+ Muslims
Democracy Index (2024) as per The Economist | France, Italy, India, USA etc are classified as "Flawed Democracy"
Owning the Lib [OC]
But what if you were gay in Gaza?
Meet the Post-Soviets (Old Comic)
Why I think a Russo- US alliance won’t last
Trans Girl Tips?
China is capitalist b/c [describes socialist economics and lies about profit 1st mentality]
Russian USA
Ain't no way they have Obama with Malcolm X
Wait.. who said didn't like dictators again
ChInA iS cApitAliSt
Nazi looking Is***l flag brings out the lib defense
Is the US unsalvagable?
07 Eclipse rattle
Cause Soviet=bad, apush said so
Will I be let back in the US?
Haj will never stop being Pro Palestine 🇵🇸
What country is this?
What can i do with a BA in Political Science- minor East Asia?