Oh my god emily 😭😭lmfao Amber is PISSEDDD
ALR is crushing on Zachary Michael on my Tomodachi Life
I asked this question about a year ago and i wanna know again; Who is your lookalike Dating/married to??
Imagine having chewing gum as your Super All-Time Favorite.
Which Song is This?
I put FB in my Tomodachi Life game
Recent outfit pics!
All of this waste for a single dose of medication
what do you guys reference daily?
school outfit~
Concrit my outfit?
Some of my favorite spreads!
New hair~
outfit + thrift haul :v !!!
headcanons to annoy the queerphobes that are somehow here
Tomodachi Life Campers
why are some ppl so rude lol
A kind friend...
felt domo i made this week😁
what's left of my supermega shirt
IUD insertion experiences, for those worried
What does the iud insertion pain feel like? Is it like really bad cramps?
The truth about IUD’s?
experience with iud? did it make you gain weight
Misoprostol before IUD insertion?