I’m only getting appx. 200K/hr xp woodcutting, what gives?
What should I do?
Elder Trove Question
Looking for info. 10 1/2 chicken fryer
General help
Looking for an ID. located in northeast Iowa on grass. Thinking Jacks?
Wondering if this looks like asbestos - we believe it is
New to this, do I have anything of value here?
Looking for input - totally new to this
Just looking for input on this - totally new to this
Weimaraner vs gsp vs gwp. Whos better for retrieving and pointing + nicer to live with?
Looking for Info
More chandelier pictures
Ghost Pepper Sriracha!
It’s alive!
1 gallon of blueberry maple mead underway!
What is your irrational fear as a nurse? Mine is that I'll get in a serious accident, end up intubated and sent to my old ICU and have all my former coworkers care for me/see me naked
Love the smell of burning oak wood early in the morning. This Midwesterner's 2023 smoking season begins with a brisket and a pork butt. Happy smoking y'all!
Looking for a good, spicy (think cinnamon), warm, pumpkin-y, fall vibes mead recipe. What is your favorite recommendation?
580k Wrapping Paper Loot
Final product! A little over a month of fermenting. I ended up not heating it up to try to keep some of the good bacteria. It has a hell of a bite but very good flavor!
When book stores put stickers on the front cover. (They never come off easily)